Happy Kevie

Happy Kevie

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I want to let those of you who have been looking for new posts know that I haven't given up. My original idea for the blog was to discuss some of my more interesting thoughts. I want to keep it positive, so I will try and keep the rants to a minimum. I have have loads of stuff to rant about lately, but those all will get into a negative realm, and I'd rather not do that.

So thank you for checking in, and I will be sure get get crackin soon. I just need to get some inspiration, and then actually follow up on it.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Mean People Suck

Why do people have to be so mean?

I ask this question myself and others quite often. I have formulated my own answer that I share with others, but never really know is correct. That is, people are mean and/or nasty, because they want other people to be miserable like them. Instead of trying to look to the "light", they want others to join in their darkness. To bring them down to their level.

I have a theory. Call it.......Kevin's Theory of Relative Light Attraction. It goes like this. People who give off/exude "the Light" will attract others who do the same. Those who shine their light also are attracted by "the Light". Those who do not know "the Light" or have it, will not recognize it.

The Light is the aura, the love, the beam of kindness, the vibe you get/give. Again, if you have no idea what I am talking about, you may not have it.

Good/happy people attract good/happy people.

I try to surround myself with those folks. It's in everyday life that you come upon the "dark" or angry & bitter people. That's when I realize it the most. Conversely, I can be on the street walk by someone and get a HUGE dose of happy. A big smile, or an eye to eye "good morning". That's other side of the spectrum. I do what I can everyday to pass on some kindness, happines, and at the very least a smile. Emotions are contagious. Let's have a pandemic of happy.

That smile, or kind word could be the one that turns the dark to light, or just makes a small difference in that person's world that day.

let your love light shine

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I'm a bit bored - Current affairs - UPDATED

When I started this blog, I didn't mean for it to be a political, or full of opinion. I just wanted to have a place to vent the ideas that I bounced around in my head. However, I find myself on a rainy Sunday with not much to do, and an urge to write.

There are a few things/issues lately that have bugged me. Here are a few.

The hikers in Iran and the journalists in Korea

- ok, seriously?? WTF are you doing in that part of the world? Is it a BIG surprise that you might get yourselves into a shitty situation?? C'mon people! I am glad the 2 journalists are safe, and that Big Willie came to the rescue. (I heard that as soon as he heard there was 2 Asian women involved he was half way out the door). So much time effort and money I am sure was wasted on people being a bit stupid. In the Rockies and other places, if you ski/board out of bounds and need to be rescued, guess what? You get the tab. The same should be for these journalists. At least have Mr. Excitement, Al Gore pick it up. He's loaded, no?

These hikers in Iran...REALLY?? I get that they wanna hike in some remote area. I do. I lived in CO, and the solitude of being in the middle of nowhere is exquisite. But IRAN?? even Iraq is a bad idea. What's wrong with OUR country? Utah, Colorado, The Dakotas all very remote. I mean, do they not know that it's a bad area? I live blocks from Camden. I know it's a bad area, therefore I don't go there. Blocks away. Iran's gotta be a good 10 hour flight. They went OUT OF THEIR WAY to go there. Again, I don't feel so bad for you guys.

The Legality of Tobacco vs. Cannabis

This is the definition of a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance per the D.E.A.

Schedule I
• The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
• The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
• There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Ok, so there it is. Straight from the horse's mouth. Now I know the answer to this question, and it's a matter of money. I get it. But I am not sure if there is a more blatant, obvious contradiction than legalized tobacco.

We now know that cigarettes are loaded with chemicals. We know that it causes cancer and a boat load of health problems.

We know that they are addictive. When Ozzy Osbourne says they are the toughest thing to quit, then I think they may be a little addictive.

Soooo, WTF are they doing in every Wawa, 7-11, gas station, and convenience store in America?
And why is something as natural as cannabis on this list and NOT legal?? It just smacks of hypocrisy. I don't smoke cigarettes. My Dad did for many years, as did my brother. Thank God, they both were able to quit. My grandfather died of lung cancer due to smoking. These are very bad things, yet they continue to be accepted and legal.

I LOVE to watch people standing outside of their office buildings, bars, restaurants, etc. catching that butt in frigid, frost bite inducing temperatures. It almost makes me giddy. What more evidence do you need that these people are addicts? Now I have to admit, I have my vices, and I am certainly not holier than anyone else, but I am trying to make a point.

I will be more than happy to allow you to smoke a cigarette and foul the air I breathe and stink up my clothes and hair as soon as I am able to spark a J right next to you. What are the cigarette smokers' arguments for not legalizing cannabis? It's addictive? It's a drug? WHAT??

Tobacco use kills more than 400,000 Americans and costs the nation $96 billion in health care bills each year. Every day, another 1,200 lives are lost and more than 1,000 kids become new regular smokers.

I hope that all of the increase in taxes on cigarettes cause the price of a pack of smokes to go north of $10 per pack. Shit, make it $20 per pack. Let's really stick it to these people.
How about legalizing and taxing cannabis the same way? In fact, I would support legislation that would pay for the health care of chronic cigarette smokers that was paid directly with all of the tax revenue from cannabis. That way, smokers can continue to kill themselves with cigarettes and have their cancer treatments for free. No guilt at all.

There are 14 of the 50 states (28%) that have active medical marijuana programs since 1996.

People are understanding that the laws are outdated and misinformed. The people suffering from AIDS and cancer FEEL that benefits of it and how it helps their suffering and quality of life. In addition, it's the people that are voting for this. The people who want this option available. I just am constantly befuddled at the fact that this is such a dilemma or struggle to pass legislation. I guess it's the fear mongering that pervades this country. Oh, and yeah the income that the tax revenue would bring would literally save cities and states right now.

Again, it's not as much why isn't pot legal (although it is a bit), but more why and how are we stupid enough to continue to allow cigarettes to be legal? Maybe the fact that the President has now moved tobacco under the rule of the FDA, that maybe, just maybe there may be some movement.

Who do you know that has died from cigarette smoking?

Now think of the people that you know who have died from smoking a few joints?


That's my rant on this Sunday.
Shortly after my post this article/report came out.
here are a few incredibly disturbing facts from the report about this still legal drug (not Schedule 1)
Tobacco kills one-third to one-half of those who smoke. Smokers die an average of 15 years earlier than nonsmokers.
The risk of dying from lung cancer is more than 23 times higher for men who smoke than for nonsmokers and 13 times higher for women smokers
"One hundred million people were killed by tobacco in the 20th century. Unless effective measures are implemented to prevent young people from smoking and to help current smokers quit, tobacco will kill 1 billion people in the 21st century," the report predicts.
WTF people???

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hit the showers

I love taking a shower.

Whether it's early in the morning, mid-day, or even at night, taking a shower always makes me feel better...in both mind and body. It is my sanctuary, my quiet place, my place for prayer and meditation. A shower for me is not only the actual enclosure, but also the water itself, and the experience as a whole.
As with most things in this blog, I have come to this epiphany of self knowledge recently. And, YES, it was while I was in the shower that I decided to blog about it.
It's more than just the water running down your body. It's the actual surroundings as well.
Outside showers are the best. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to have a 2nd home in Sea Isle City, NJ. I was a beach baby. First in Avalon, then to Sea Isle. The outside shower "downashore" is not only essential, but standard plumbing. Each house had a roughly built plywood and 2 x4 enclosure. Some had wooden grates on the floor, some were just bare concrete, or God forbid stones. I actually helped build ours. Not too shocking, since my father was a big fan of indentured servitude. But that is a topic for another blog.
The outside shower was necessary at the beach so as to not bring sand into the indoor plumbing and clog it up. So after a long day at the beach (or surfing) baking in the sun, swimming in the ocean, playing in the sand, you were ready to wash up.
Now this brings up another issue that I will cover later, that involves "heat" in the shower. Having sunburn, as I did most of my life due to being pasty Irish white, in the shower can lead to a very unpleasant experience in the shower. You will know EXACTLY where you are burnt when you get into a shower that is too hot, or too cold.
But getting in the shower and getting the water going was so refreshing. The enclosure that we built went from mid-shin to low neck. So it wasn't all boxed in. Fresh summer breezes blowing in, the warm orange glow of the even sun, the cool water washing the salt and sand off. Ahhhhhh.
Then the soap (usually Dove) and shampoo. It seemed as if you were never so clean as you were after a beach shower. Squeaky clean.
If I could have an outdoor shower, I would and would use it as much as possible. Maybe it was the "communing with nature" or the feeling of openness, but I love a good outdoor shower.
As most of us don't have a shore house, indoor showers are the norm. I am so weird with my affinity for showers, that I have certain physical showers that I still recall fondly. I prefer a tub shower, as opposed to standup stall showers. My good friends, Sacha and Jim built a beautiful shower with soapstone (I think) with a nice bench and sealed it in glass and have a steamer, so it doubles as a steam room! This shower is in the Kevin Shower Hall of Fame. John Walter has a lovely shower as well. His bathroom has a sunlight and also a wonderful full coverage shower head.
This is another area of discussion. Now I don't get too carried away with shower heads. I do try to buy ones that give a good wide spray with decent flow, but for the most part I keep it simple. The ladies, I understand, have more a liking to the hand held version with the various settings. This I certainly can undertand, but alas I do not avail myself to these types of shower heads.
John has the "rainfall" type head, similar to the picture above, but much larger. This a wonderful feeling of being in a rainfall and being totally drenched.
Bottom line here, is get what you like. Try a few different ones out.
If I had the room and money, I would have a comfortable seat in my shower as well. For long term thinking, and to also enjoy the steamroom effect as well. Double heads or multiple heads are also something amazing, although it can feel like you are in a car wash at times.
The shower is my favorite way to get warm or cool down. A little trick that I use in the summer time is to jump in the shower and get it as cold as I can handle. From there I try to soak my "hot spots". Behind your neck, under your arms, and your groin area. The longer and colder the water is on those spots, the quicker you will cool your body core. It's a bit torturous, but afterwards you will definitely be cooler. Same in the winter. A hot shower does wonders to get you warm on a cold, blustery, winter day.
The shower is such a great place to literally and figuratively get cleansed in both mind and body.
Give yourself the time in the day to take your time and enjoy. Relax. Take some deep breaths. FEEL the water. Each drop as it hits you and rolls down. Listen to the white noise of the water. Stop the madness, and listen to what's truly going on in your heart and soul. Smell the soap, the shampoo, the conditioner. Let it soothe you. Stretch a little bit. Then when you think you are done, stay a few minutes longer. Then grab a big clean fluffy towel and wrap yourself up like you did as a kid. I guarantee the world will feel a little bit more bearable and hopefully, life a little clearer.
Now, Hit the Showers!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

There's no I in Team

4: a number of persons associated together in work or activity

This is how Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines team. I happen to think it's a little bit short of the full definition, but it'll work. It should end with, "to achieve a common goal".

I currently have and have had this bad taste in my mouth about what "TEAM" means, mainly as pertains to sport. I am a big fan of ice hockey of all sorts. I also love football, more NFL than college, but football in general. Baseball is ok, basketball is for the birds...maybe it's because how I see teamwork.

It's almost comical in certain interviews how being a true team and unifying to win a championship is reaching novelty status. The reason that the New England Patriots, the Detroit Red Wings, the Indianapolis Colts to name a few are excellent teams. They actually adhere to all for one attitudes and values. These team are machines where each player is just a cog in the wheel that drives their success. No matter who you are and what you do, you are replaceable. Not for a matter of ego, but for the greater good of the team. Now there are players that are exceptional and do stand out, like Tom Brady but for the most part it's all business and all on the same page. The Eagles are so close to getting there and I think they have the concept, but just get tripped up here and there (T.O.)

Just listen to the football and basketball interviews. The players are in it for themselves and it's disheartening. Remember Ricky Watters? "For who, or what?"

These guys need to actually be involved in something other than sports to understand unity. Or at least their specific sport. Have them go to basic training, or pledge...something so they actually understand that working together is more than just being in the same room or same game. It means doing whatever it takes to win or succeed, even if it means not being the star.

I went to an all boys prep school, and then rowed for 4 years. After that I pledged and was in a fraternity. I get the unity concept. I have taken it and applied it to work as well. In the working world, it's just as bad. People climbing the ladder, talking shit about coworkers. It's poison and it keeps the company for succeeding. But for some reason we reward the individuals who are in it for themselves.

The Bill Belichek and Bill Parcells of the world are looked at as tough assholes, but it just a matter of discipline. That's why their teams win. Why the other NFL teams (in this case) don't pay attention and follow their lead is beyond me. The 49ers were the same way. All for one and one for all.

I guess this goes back to my last post about being open or being closed. So be open people! Open to new ways of thinking, or woring together to achieve a goal. Your ways may have done you well to this point, but there is always another way for it to be done/thought about.

In the end your success will be better savored together with those that you have helped and have helped you.

Friday, July 17, 2009

What's So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding? (Hugs)

Before you read this entry, take 5 minutes and watch this video. Even if you've seen it before, watch it to the end.


I love this video. It makes my heart warm.

I have always been a pretty touchy, huggy kind of person. It comes from how I was raised. My brother and I still kiss our father, and hugs are just how we say hello. My mom loved how cuddly Ryan and I were growing up and she gave us lots of love in return. To me a hug is as vital to living as fresh air and clean water. A good hug is a warm, tight reassurance from another human that transfers good energy, and conveys a sense of love, caring and compassion.

Life is tough. It hurts sometimes. It's sad sometimes. I have found that a hug is a great universal "aspirin" for life. A hug is also a wonderful way to celebrate the joys and happiness of life.

Being a guy, hugging another man is frowned upon by some, and seen as "gay" to others. Usually it's a homophobic thing, but other times it's a matter of not being comfortable with a violation of personal space. I have encountered all of the 1/4 hugs, 1/2 hugs, bro hugs, and full on bear hugs. I try to make every effort to give everyone as big and strong of a hug as I can. Mainly because I feel like there is a shortage of hugs in the world. Thus my affection for the "Everyday" video.

Living in Colorado, I got to hone my hugging skills and practice quite a bit. I consider myself a hippie at heart. I wear the short haired, clean cut Republican look mainly for work. Peel it back and I'm all peace and love, man. The folks in CO are professionals. In my 7 years there following String Cheese and Phish I got together with some of the most loving caring, life celebrating people in the world. They know how to hug. The heart to heart hug. The group hug. The hug from the back. Looooong strong hugs with a mutually intense back and forth transfer of good love energy. There are some folks (P) that I almost felt actual electricity from. When you let go and feel them feeling you and concentrate, it's like nothing else.

Hippies get a bad rap I feel. No one takes us seriously. We are supposedly high all the time and don't or won't hold a job. Stinky and absent minded are also terms that are used. The thing that I love most about hippies is the strong sense of community and one love. Helping and loving your brothers and sisters, lending a hand, and always ready with a hug. In the Cheese and Phish crowd, it is a big family. So many shows and so many instances where altruism reigned. I haven't really been to a "mainstream" concert lately to compare, but there is rarely an incident of violence at these events. I always make a point to chat with the concession folks and security to see how kids are behaving, and without fail they all have smiles on their faces and have great things to say. It's this prevailing attitude of love instead of hate. A smile instead of a frown. And the one thing that carries and maintains this wave of goodness it's hugs.

I find it somewhat ironic that the "straight" people that slam or slight the hippies are those that stand by the Bible and don't see that this is Christ's teaching in real life. Love one another as I love you. Funny.

Someone somewhere once told me that people are like clams. They are either open or they are closed. It's not too hard to spot this after spending a few minutes with someone. You are either open..to new ideas, new people, love, happiness....or you are closed. It's the open people that I want to surround myself with. Think about it, you gotta be open to get a hug right??

So if this rings true to you at all, take a few minutes and offer someone a hug. A friend, a coworker, even a stranger. One hug could be all that they need to feel better about themselves. That one hug could be the only hug they've gotten all week, all month. The power of touch is immeasurable. Try to make it a habit to give those you do hug a longer deeper more concentrated hug. Feel the other person's heart close to yours, and then hold it for a minute. Take a deep breath or two. Close your eyes and melt away. I guarantee it will make you feel better as well as the other person. After all, they don't cost nothin.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I have been told throughout my life to "follow my bliss", to "do what I love" and the like. It has taken me a while, but I have come to discover that my passion lies with music. More specifically, live music, but music in general. I love music. Music of all types. People ask me what I listen to, and it's basically everything. I can recall my earliest exposure to live music being on Sesame Street. I recall watching Stevie Wonder kill Superstition.


It was groovy and made me move. My dad was a big influence on my early appreciation of music whether he knew it or not. We would listen to AM radio in the car. I remember lots of Motown. Jackie Wilson, the Four Tops, Stevie. I also remember finding a box of vinyl in the basement laundry room closet. Albums such as The Jimi Hendrix Experience "Are You Experienced" and a double cassette of Woodstock. It had to be an original release. I was maybe 12 or 13. Sadly, he didn't foster my interest, but I took it upon myself to dig through and listen to it all. I also remember the next door neighbor who was about 5-10 years older who turned me on to Queen and Kiss. I would queue up the dusty turntable and listen over and over and over again.

As I grew older, kids at school got me into the Doors and Led Zeppelin and eventually the Dead and a host of other good quality music. I remember going to CYO dances and just dancing till I was a sweaty mess. Songs like Rock n Roll by Led Zep, Jump -Van Halen. Into high school the Prep had the best mixers, and obviously wanting to meet girls, the best way to mingle was to dance. More sweaty Kevin on the dance floor.

Where things really took off was in the Fall of 1992. Actually after Christmas break. A fraternity brother came back with a new CD by a band called Phish. It was Picture of Nectar (http://www.phish.com/releases/detail.php?ID=51).

My buddy Chuck, Bob (who brought the CD) and I immersed ourselves into this new odd band. In February of 1993 we saw that they were playing not too far away in Bloomsburg, PA at the University. That's a whole other story, but after that show I recall my jaw being on the ground and asking, "Who the HELL are these guys? and when can I see them again?" This started a love affair that continues today, but more importantly taught me the value and magic that is LIVE music. As I mentioned , I spent a ton of time wearing out cassettes of studio albums, but never before did this improvisation and whimsy show its face to me. Phish also was and is still known for never playing the same songs in the same order from show to show. In addition, they wouldn't draw up a set list and ALLOWED tapers. So in the early days, cassette tape trading was how I got my fix. Yes, the ol' B+P's (blanks and postage) route. Find someone who had bootlegs, and mail them blank cassette tapes and money for postage to mail them back after they were dubbed. Now I could obsess over live music and see how these concerts were stitched together, one so different from the other.

I have since seen Phish upwards of 55 times, another band that I encountered in Colorado was String Cheese Incident (also about 50+ times). They too had the same improvisational, poly genre, taper friendly scene. The best part about Cheese was that they were small and even more unknown. So getting within feet of the stage was relatively easy. Being that close, I then was able to be face to face with these guys creating the music. Not just listening, but experiencing them bring it to life. It was and still is a thrill to see how they will communicate with each other during a song to take the tune one way or another, or to "pass" the lead. Not only that but to FEEL the music.

Music at the root is nothing but vibrations. Whether it's strings, or the beating of a drum, it's all vibrations. So to be at a show and stand close to the speakers, you can not only hear the music, but feel it. Heavy bass lines rumbled my chest cavity. This really touched me. Trey Anastasio, the lead singer and guitarist extraordinaire of Phish put it this way.

ANASTASIO: Well, purity of intent and playing in a way that is beyond the ego. I never even feel like I'm performing. I feel like I'm there to be an intermediary between music that's in the universe and the audience. It sounds silly, but I believe it more than I believe anything in my life. When I'm onstage I feel this incredible togetherness and intense energy that is like fuel for goodness. It's something that I've felt so strongly that in the last few years I started researching it, reading interviews with musicians to see if others have felt this way-and they have. I've read interviews with Brahms, Bach, Jimi Hendrix, Sun Ra, Duke Ellington, [jazz trumpeter] Art Farmer and many others and found similar themes running through them. All of them essentially say, "There are vibrations there, a natural order to the universe, and I'm not really making music. I'm just hearing it and channeling it so that other people can hear it." Everyone calls it something different-Brahms said it was coming from God and Sun Ra said it was coming from Saturn-but it's always a very similar experience.

It was when I moved to Colorado and got to know others who "got it" the way I did, did I feel comfortable knowing I wasn't alone...that I wasn't "weird" for being so into music.

Going to shows became my "church". It was and still is the 2-3 hours where I escape from the world and get lifted. I call it my soul scrubbing. Feeling the searing guitar licks in my toes and fingertips. Letting my legs and arms move on their own without thinking...a zen like state where I am feeling the collective energy of the room and the band all swirling around.

This is something that over time, has become and is an integral part of who Kevin Emery is.

Music has become the soundtrack to my life, and to steal from a good friend, "It is the route to my soul". Maybe it's my love of movies, but I feel like per my mood, there should be the proper music in the background. So many good memories have a song attached to them. As with the sense of smell triggering memories, so do certain songs.

For example. On a Halloween trip to Las Vegas to see Phish, at around 3am crossing the footbridge to the MGM Grand, dressed in an utterly repulsive 70's polyester outfit, what comes on the speakers, but "Stayin Alive" -Bee Gees. So apropos. Camping in the Rockies was made better with Tim O'Brien's "Lands End" as played by String Cheese during the first morning's cup of coffee by the fireside. Neil Young's "Harvest Moon" - the memory of my best friend Dave Laub.

All of these things and many more linked to a song. I sometimes stop and ponder what it's like for those who don't or have not yet embraced music in their lives. There are people that just don't listen to music at all or on a regular basis. I was married to one. To not have that color in their lives, almost is sad to me. If made to choose between losing my sight or hearing, I would choose my sight. To live in a quiet world without music would be an awful and hollow place.

I took up the acoustic guitar at one point. I wasn't terribly successful, as I am a more linear thinker. But in the time I spent, I did learn to play Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here". I remember almost being in tears at the fact that I created my own music. ME! And so my appreciation for those with natural talent grew.

So to know me, is to know that I have a passion for music. A drive to see these blessed individuals come together to make this sound that penetrates deep into the soul and psyche to bring me and others to a place where happiness abounds. If you get annoyed at how much I talk about my favorite bands, or wonder why I spend my hard earned money traveling places just for "a concert", maybe you should give it a try. Or better yet, ask to come with me. I have turned a few people on to various bands in the years past. It's something that I love to do. The particular band may not be your cuppa tea, but at least you gave it a shot and opened your mind and heart to something different. To art, to the vibration. if it isn't that band or artist, maybe it's another. At some point, I think you will find it and feel how it plucks those strings deep inside you and connects you to others and the universe as a whole.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

and awaaay we go

So having decided to enter the blogosphere, this is my first post. I am not quite sure how this will progress, but my English degree may finally come in hand.
Being in sales and the service industry for so long, I encounter the general public (g.p.) often. Due to this, I see and have seen all walks of life and have encountered many different viewpoints, opinions and life experiences. Now I certainly don't want to be one of those bloggers/people that think my way of thinking/living is the only way or the right way. By no means is that the case. But time after time I get the urge to prattle on about what my "Kevinisms" are and how I view the world & universe.
Being recently divorced after 7+ years of marriage and with the same woman for 15+ years, I feel as if I have been given a new lease on life. A new and unexpected chance to live the way I want to live and do the things that truly make me happy without wondering if she will approve. I've already begun to explore this newly found freedom, this blog is yet another of those new things.
Those of you who know me, will most likely not be too surprised at what will come forth on this page. Those of you who don't, will get a front row seat to The Thoughts Inside My Head. So keep an eye out. I am not sure how often I'll get on here, and if it'll be at all interesting. But with most things Kevin, it should at least make you smile and hopefully give you another perspective on this thing we call Life.

Be well & happy