Happy Kevie

Happy Kevie

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

There's no I in Team

4: a number of persons associated together in work or activity

This is how Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines team. I happen to think it's a little bit short of the full definition, but it'll work. It should end with, "to achieve a common goal".

I currently have and have had this bad taste in my mouth about what "TEAM" means, mainly as pertains to sport. I am a big fan of ice hockey of all sorts. I also love football, more NFL than college, but football in general. Baseball is ok, basketball is for the birds...maybe it's because how I see teamwork.

It's almost comical in certain interviews how being a true team and unifying to win a championship is reaching novelty status. The reason that the New England Patriots, the Detroit Red Wings, the Indianapolis Colts to name a few are excellent teams. They actually adhere to all for one attitudes and values. These team are machines where each player is just a cog in the wheel that drives their success. No matter who you are and what you do, you are replaceable. Not for a matter of ego, but for the greater good of the team. Now there are players that are exceptional and do stand out, like Tom Brady but for the most part it's all business and all on the same page. The Eagles are so close to getting there and I think they have the concept, but just get tripped up here and there (T.O.)

Just listen to the football and basketball interviews. The players are in it for themselves and it's disheartening. Remember Ricky Watters? "For who, or what?"

These guys need to actually be involved in something other than sports to understand unity. Or at least their specific sport. Have them go to basic training, or pledge...something so they actually understand that working together is more than just being in the same room or same game. It means doing whatever it takes to win or succeed, even if it means not being the star.

I went to an all boys prep school, and then rowed for 4 years. After that I pledged and was in a fraternity. I get the unity concept. I have taken it and applied it to work as well. In the working world, it's just as bad. People climbing the ladder, talking shit about coworkers. It's poison and it keeps the company for succeeding. But for some reason we reward the individuals who are in it for themselves.

The Bill Belichek and Bill Parcells of the world are looked at as tough assholes, but it just a matter of discipline. That's why their teams win. Why the other NFL teams (in this case) don't pay attention and follow their lead is beyond me. The 49ers were the same way. All for one and one for all.

I guess this goes back to my last post about being open or being closed. So be open people! Open to new ways of thinking, or woring together to achieve a goal. Your ways may have done you well to this point, but there is always another way for it to be done/thought about.

In the end your success will be better savored together with those that you have helped and have helped you.

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