Happy Kevie

Happy Kevie

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I'm a bit bored - Current affairs - UPDATED

When I started this blog, I didn't mean for it to be a political, or full of opinion. I just wanted to have a place to vent the ideas that I bounced around in my head. However, I find myself on a rainy Sunday with not much to do, and an urge to write.

There are a few things/issues lately that have bugged me. Here are a few.

The hikers in Iran and the journalists in Korea

- ok, seriously?? WTF are you doing in that part of the world? Is it a BIG surprise that you might get yourselves into a shitty situation?? C'mon people! I am glad the 2 journalists are safe, and that Big Willie came to the rescue. (I heard that as soon as he heard there was 2 Asian women involved he was half way out the door). So much time effort and money I am sure was wasted on people being a bit stupid. In the Rockies and other places, if you ski/board out of bounds and need to be rescued, guess what? You get the tab. The same should be for these journalists. At least have Mr. Excitement, Al Gore pick it up. He's loaded, no?

These hikers in Iran...REALLY?? I get that they wanna hike in some remote area. I do. I lived in CO, and the solitude of being in the middle of nowhere is exquisite. But IRAN?? even Iraq is a bad idea. What's wrong with OUR country? Utah, Colorado, The Dakotas all very remote. I mean, do they not know that it's a bad area? I live blocks from Camden. I know it's a bad area, therefore I don't go there. Blocks away. Iran's gotta be a good 10 hour flight. They went OUT OF THEIR WAY to go there. Again, I don't feel so bad for you guys.

The Legality of Tobacco vs. Cannabis

This is the definition of a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance per the D.E.A.

Schedule I
• The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
• The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
• There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Ok, so there it is. Straight from the horse's mouth. Now I know the answer to this question, and it's a matter of money. I get it. But I am not sure if there is a more blatant, obvious contradiction than legalized tobacco.

We now know that cigarettes are loaded with chemicals. We know that it causes cancer and a boat load of health problems.

We know that they are addictive. When Ozzy Osbourne says they are the toughest thing to quit, then I think they may be a little addictive.

Soooo, WTF are they doing in every Wawa, 7-11, gas station, and convenience store in America?
And why is something as natural as cannabis on this list and NOT legal?? It just smacks of hypocrisy. I don't smoke cigarettes. My Dad did for many years, as did my brother. Thank God, they both were able to quit. My grandfather died of lung cancer due to smoking. These are very bad things, yet they continue to be accepted and legal.

I LOVE to watch people standing outside of their office buildings, bars, restaurants, etc. catching that butt in frigid, frost bite inducing temperatures. It almost makes me giddy. What more evidence do you need that these people are addicts? Now I have to admit, I have my vices, and I am certainly not holier than anyone else, but I am trying to make a point.

I will be more than happy to allow you to smoke a cigarette and foul the air I breathe and stink up my clothes and hair as soon as I am able to spark a J right next to you. What are the cigarette smokers' arguments for not legalizing cannabis? It's addictive? It's a drug? WHAT??

Tobacco use kills more than 400,000 Americans and costs the nation $96 billion in health care bills each year. Every day, another 1,200 lives are lost and more than 1,000 kids become new regular smokers.

I hope that all of the increase in taxes on cigarettes cause the price of a pack of smokes to go north of $10 per pack. Shit, make it $20 per pack. Let's really stick it to these people.
How about legalizing and taxing cannabis the same way? In fact, I would support legislation that would pay for the health care of chronic cigarette smokers that was paid directly with all of the tax revenue from cannabis. That way, smokers can continue to kill themselves with cigarettes and have their cancer treatments for free. No guilt at all.

There are 14 of the 50 states (28%) that have active medical marijuana programs since 1996.

People are understanding that the laws are outdated and misinformed. The people suffering from AIDS and cancer FEEL that benefits of it and how it helps their suffering and quality of life. In addition, it's the people that are voting for this. The people who want this option available. I just am constantly befuddled at the fact that this is such a dilemma or struggle to pass legislation. I guess it's the fear mongering that pervades this country. Oh, and yeah the income that the tax revenue would bring would literally save cities and states right now.

Again, it's not as much why isn't pot legal (although it is a bit), but more why and how are we stupid enough to continue to allow cigarettes to be legal? Maybe the fact that the President has now moved tobacco under the rule of the FDA, that maybe, just maybe there may be some movement.

Who do you know that has died from cigarette smoking?

Now think of the people that you know who have died from smoking a few joints?


That's my rant on this Sunday.
Shortly after my post this article/report came out.
here are a few incredibly disturbing facts from the report about this still legal drug (not Schedule 1)
Tobacco kills one-third to one-half of those who smoke. Smokers die an average of 15 years earlier than nonsmokers.
The risk of dying from lung cancer is more than 23 times higher for men who smoke than for nonsmokers and 13 times higher for women smokers
"One hundred million people were killed by tobacco in the 20th century. Unless effective measures are implemented to prevent young people from smoking and to help current smokers quit, tobacco will kill 1 billion people in the 21st century," the report predicts.
WTF people???

1 comment:

  1. You & Bill would get along splendidly. He sold me on that argument a long time ago, and he's been sober for 22 years & smoke free for 17 years. But selling the common sense of it is like talking to Sarah Palin & expecting her to mention something remotely similar to the subject you were actually discussing. I'd call it fascinating if it weren't so damaging, lethal & infuriating.
